Preventing youth delinquency and promoting alternative measures to detention (Tunisia) – UNICEF
Communication for Social Change Consortium (CFSC) partnered with Agence Thaly International (a Consulting Agency based in Tunisia) to implement UNICEF Tunisia communication strategy, for the prevention of youth delinquency and the promotion of alternative measures to detention. In 2016, and over a nine-month period, several steps were carried out to implement this communication strategy for social and behavioral changes – the objective was to make parents, professionals and the children themselves, active participants in the fight against juvenile delinquency. A baseline evaluation took place through individual interviews and focus groups; followed by a series of homogenous and heterogeneous dialogues with children in conflict with the law, children at risk, and their families. A proximity communication campaign using local youth and cultural centers, but also involving local institutions (police force, judge, religious authority), was also implemented. Through several workshops and interviews a good practice guide, articles and stories of human interest were produced.

Ethiopian Youth and Community Dialogue to Fight HIV/AIDS (Ethiopia)- UNICEF and HAPCO
Communication for Social Change Consortium (CFSC) has been actively involved in Ethiopia, working closely with UNICEF and the government HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Office (HAPCO) in particular, to strengthen communication for social change initiatives and develop capacity to monitor and evaluate them in participatory ways. This innovative work, at scale, creates exciting opportunities to enhance the impact of HIV/AIDS initiatives across Ethiopia.

Using Communication to Help Bring Education for All (Lesotho) -UNICEF
Communication for Social Change Consortium (CFSC) implemented the Communication for Social Change Consortium (CFSC) approach and method to help enroll “missing” children in school, notably boy-shepherds and children who live in remote mountain villages.

Revitalizing the Urban Neighborhood of Fairmount (New Jersey, USA)- Urban league of Essex country
The Consortium has partnered with the Urban League of Essex County, New Jersey to help revitalize the urban neighborhood of Fairmount in New Jersey, USA, through grants from the Wachovia Foundation and the State of New Jersey. The Fairmount Initiative engaged residents, community leaders, and business owners in a series of community dialogues to help them craft a collective vision and a plan for their neighborhood. Consortium staff developed a communication strategy together with input from the organizers and coordinated communication efforts for different program activities.